It’s been forever since writing anything, I’m going to just blame 2017 for being a stinky poopyhead and hope that 2018 will be better. I’ve not had a very productive time with things I’ve wanted to do and I’m determined to change that going into next year.

I’m still contributing the odd written piece over at GameGrin and donating my vocal chords to both the GrinCast and Moving Pictures‘ TransformCast. And while I have no plans to stop reviewing or creating stuff with those lovely folk I do want to make an effort with my own stuff.

As I’ve become acutely aware, I suck at scheduling and motivation for my own stuff. But I do want to get on some kind of regular cadence with content, both written and visual.

The first video for RetroACTIVE, looking at Gargoyle Games‘ quirky Celtic trilogy really should’ve been out by now. It’s been scripted and had the voicework recorded for awhile, just needing some video capture and editing together. So that’s first up for getting finished in the new year.

Once that is finally out I can think about what other videos to put out but I’m definitely wanting to start let’s playing more obscure older titles in a segmented fashion on YouTube.

Here’s to next year being more productive than this one!