So apparently it’s been awhile since my last post. In that time I’ve still been messing around with Blender, After Effects and other creative things but don’t really have anything to show for it. I’ve also started learning Z80 assembly language and messing around with pico8.

I’d love to get confident enough in my coding abilities to dive into a game jam but I’m not there yet. I would like to actually make something though so perhaps things will start appearing eventually. As for gaming, I’ve only really reviewed Prey: Mooncrash which is an excellent piece of DLC for one of my favourite games from last year.

No Man’s Sky: NEXT is due out next week and I’m really looking forward to jumping back into it. I’ve periodically revisited NMS since it launched and whilst it never came anywhere close to the hype it built up and its systems are often at odds with its own narrative push to reach the centre of the universe it is at its core a relaxing, fun time.

A couple of new features specifically will be appreciated by the loyal community who’ve formed communal farms and colonised areas of space together. Being able to own multiple bases is one, as it stands when you claim a base, any other construction gets decommissioned meaning you can only maintain one. Eliminating this restriction opens up the possibilities for expanded community efforts. The same goes for being able to build a base anywhere once NEXT hits as again, currently you are limited to specific plots.

Combined with full multiplayer party play instead of the solo but with other peoples bases visible (and an orb-like entity representing players) should go a long way to making the world, and especially the community hub feel more alive.

The newest trailer showcases the ability to build underwater, new construction options, the ability to play in third or first person as well as player customisation but it’ll be interesting to see what other changes are waiting for returning players.